Additional Dallas & Online Resources

Here is a list of additional Dallas & online resources for those seeking, or practicing, alternative healing. None of these recommendations were paid for, and I appreciate any suggestions you may have. To submit a suggestion please email me and I will check it out.   



Dallas’ longest serving vegetarian restaurant.  Using Ayurvedic cooking, all their dishes provide a vegetarian cuisine that tastes great and promotes good health. Plus the atmosphere is amazing.





Earth Angel Oils 

An online store. These oils are amazing.  They are 100% Pure Essential, and I mostly use them for my own personal use.  I use some on my clients, but stopped putting them in my oil when I realized they were affecting me as much as the client. 




The Silver Pyramid

This is a great place to buy crystals, stones, and sound bowls. They know what they are doing, and they have a great selection. They also give my students 10% their orders.





Sterling Health Center

I received most of my beginning and advanced training from this school.  If anyone is looking to learn the art of massage therapy, neuromuscular therapy, or other modalities they take the practice very seriously.  It is family owned and run, and were very much a family to me during my training there.

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