I returned to graduate school in 2006. Afterward, I became a licensed counselor in Dallas, Texas. This was because I found that a majority of the body issues my massage and reiki clients experienced were actually caused by their mind. I became fascinated with how our thoughts affect us, both emotionally and physically. There is a connection between mental dysfunction and physical dysfunction. This is because our body and mind are not separate. They affect each other both positively and negatively. If our mind is in not peaceful, our body will suffer. Furthermore, if our body is unhealthy, our mind will suffer. This is why people seek therapy.

Since 2007, I have spent a great deal of my life counseling children, adolescents, adults, groups, couples, and families who are all suffering from a wide variety of issues. These issues range from physical and mental abuse, drug addiction, sexual identity confusion, sexual dysfunction, depression, and a number of other problems that inhibit them from moving forward in their lives.
Oaklawn Office & Mindful Path Counseling & Wellness
I currently work with Mindful Path Counseling and Wellness. Mindful Path is a group of counselors and therapists located in Grapevine, Texas. Mindful Path Counseling accepts United Health Care and Aetna, and provides a traditional office setting. I do tellahealth session for those who are not insured and don’t need in-person.

Doxy.me Video Counseling
Doxy.Me is a HIPPA approved video chat program that can be used for telahealth counseling. It is like using Skype or FaceTime, but offers the security needed during a counseling session. I offered this as an alternative during COVID, and many clients preferred it to having to fight traffic, or leave work for an extended time, so I am continuing to offer it as an option.
Droxy.me is easy to use. All you have to do is:
- At the time of our session, log onto Droxy.me.
- You will then be asked to enter your name.
- Then you enable the use of your camera.
- Afterward, you will be notified that you are “checked in” (like being in a waiting room).
- I will then connect with your phone and we can being our session.

Therapy Types
I utilize a variety of counseling strategies. These include cognitive-behavioral, person-centered, and my own “timeline therapy.” Using these, I am able to help my clients better recognize negative core beliefs about themselves. I then encourage my clients to re-evaluate their core beliefs. In doing so, they can change how they perceive their past, present, and future. This helps them release or eliminate the cause of their psychosis.
Additional Areas Of Treatment
I have studied a wide variety of modalities and belief systems. When appropriate, I utilize my knowledge of meditation, yoga, Reiki, and relaxation training .
Education Classes, Lectures, & Books
I have a background in professional speaking and education. I’ve taught classes on drug dependency, the mind/body connection, energy work, meditation, and anger/anxiety management. I was featured in local media including Good Morning Dallas and Dallas Child Magazine. Plus I taught as an adjunct professor at the University of Texas at Arlington.
I also wrote the Monkey Mind Tales® book series. It uses a fairytale format to look at the side effects of our social structure.
Counseling Does Not Equal Failure
Seeking out a counselor can be difficult. Some cultures frown upon it. While it may feel intimidating, you should avoid feeling like you have somehow failed at life. Counseling does not equal failure. Sometimes people just need an unbiased, third party opinion. Sometimes they just need a sounding board in a safe environment. For whatever reason you are seeking counseling, know that you are not alone, and there is nothing wrong with asking for help.