Individual Counseling

Individual therapy gives you the ability to explore any issues you may have with a non-judging, non-partisan, third party. Career, relationships, difficulties with anxiety/stress, worry, self-esteem, sexuality, and life purpose are just a few of the issues that are often addressed.

For many, the thought of seeing a counselor can seem almost frightening. But expressing what’s in your head to someone without feeling judged is often a relief in itself. When issues pile on top of each other without being expressed, they can affect your quality of life in ways that you may not realize.

Therapy gives you the freedom and encouragement to discover and express what you really think and feel without having to censure yourself out of politeness, fear, or social expectations.  

Abuse, addiction, anger, chronic pain, hyper anxiety, body image issues, situational and chronic depression, divorce, grief/loss, PTSD, self esteem, sexual dysfunctions, and any number of other issues can be addressed with individual counseling so that you can increase the quality of your life.

An individual session lasts for 55 minutes. The initial session is spent gathering some background information, and explores the situation or issues you want to address. The sessions following look at the issue from a big picture perspective. This helps you work through the issue until you reach the maintenance stage. The maintenance stage is a non-mandatory quarterly check up. During which you can discuss any difficulties that may have come up (much like taking a car in for an oil change). It is my goal to get you to that stage as quickly as possible. I often will use varying forms of therapy, and homework, plus lifestyle changes that may also include nutrition and exercise. 

“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”

Abraham Lincoln

Additional Information On…

Relationship Counseling

Adolescent Counseling

Family Counseling

Divorce Counseling

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


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