The practice of meditation is one of the primary foundations for alternative/natural healing. It is used to reduce anxiety/worry, reduce/eliminate the effects of PTSD, and to bring peace to the mind by bringing it to present moment. There are other uses for it, many of which I teach in my Meditation 101 class.

This class is for students who wish to quiet their mind and learn how to be in the present moment. The techniques I teach have helped many of my clients/students rid themselves of anger, worry, anxiety, PTSD, and negative self-talk.
Meditation 101 Individual Class
I taught a 9.5 hour Meditation 101 class at the University of Texas in Arlington. I’ve condensed it into a 3 hour individual class that teaches the basics of yogic meditation. It also teaches ways of training your mind to deal with negative emotions and chronic thinking. Peace of mind is a state of being; this class will teach you the tools needed for achieving that peace.
This class will teach:
- The process of meditation, and why you meditate.
- How mediation is used to combat negative mental states of mind such as depression, anxiety, and worry.
- How meditation is used to reduce cancer, neurological dysfunction, and other physical illnesses.
- You will learn different techniques to increase the strength of your meditation; sound, mantras, mudras, bandas, pranayama, and intention.
- Mantras: A brief look at the Sanskrit language. Plus the use of sound and mantras for increasing the power of your meditation.
- Mudras: How hand gestures can affect the passage of energy through the body and increase the intention of your meditation.
- Pranayama: The introduction of breath work into your meditation, and its importance in releasing the chakra system.
- Bandas: How to use energy locks to increase the strength of your meditation.
Finally, you will learn the Chakra system. You will then clear your chakras by combining all the techniques you learned in this class into one meditational practice.
While there is a great deal of lectured material, the class will also include exercises and participation.
You will take from this class a complete overview of yogic meditational practices plus a meditational technique that combines all of what you’ve learned.
It is an intense, and wonderful, introduction to the process of meditation. It will give you a foundation for creating your own practice.
Workbook Provided: A workbook is provided with pictures and illustrations of the techniques to be taught.
Meditation 101 Group Class:
I routinely teach a Meditation 101 group class through my Meetup group. I teach the class about twice a year. The class is announced to those signed up to my Meetup group, and blog updates.
Yoga & Meditation
If you are interested in the physical aspects of yoga, and how they can help reduce/eliminate different issues in the mind like anxiety, PTSD, and panic attacks, see my Yoga Instruction Class.
“The problem with mental activity isn’t thinking itself but the compulsion to think that does not give a moments rest.”
Frank Arjava Peter, “Reiki, The Legend of Dr. Usui”