Steve Reedy, MA, LPC, RMT, NMT, RYT200
I am a licensed professional counselor. I also have certifications for mind/body work including neuromuscular therapy, Thai massage, and Reiki energy therapy. My approach to healing is based on my theory that the environment in which we live is as unnatural to us as a Habitrail is to a hamster. The varying beliefs and rapid pace of our society can be confusing and detrimental to our health. I believe that, because we are not genetically designed to exist in such a world, we often experience mental, biological, and spiritual side-effects. These side-effects can cloud our experiences and prevent us from moving forward. Whether it is mental, physical, or both, the imbalance affects our sense of self, how we define our experiences, and how we relate to others. I direct my practice at restoring the mind/body back to a state of balance.
While I do many things, I am first and foremost a Reiki Master/Teacher. Reiki has been the foundation for everything I have learned since 2003. I studied muscle therapy to better understand physical imbalances. Then I studied yoga for energetic imbalances, followed by psychology for mental imbalances. I also studied crystal and sound therapy to better my knowledge on the use of vibration to heal the body. All of this has made me a more effective Reiki master, and has allowed me to enhance my ability to help others heal themselves.
Reiki Master/Teacher
I became a certified Reiki Master/Teacher in 2005. I teach all three levels of Reiki in a one-on-one setting and provide classes in-between certifications to help my students practice their skills and learn different techniques that I have studied or created. I have also taught introduction classes as a continuing education professor at the University of Texas, Arlington (UTA).
LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor)
I became a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in 2010. I have worked in drug-treatment facilities, state hospitals, and I am currently working with a group called Mindful Path Counseling & Wellness where I focus on relationships, divorce therapy, and other mental/emotional issues. My approach is grounded in cognitive therapy, but I incorporate everything I have learned in regards to caring for our mind, body, and spirit.
I am the author of a four book short story anthology series, Tales for Your Monkey’s Mind, More Tales for Your Monkey’s Mind, Tales From Bombast’s Bookshelf, and Tales For Tra-La-La Day. The books are published by my company Monkey Mind Tales®. More information about the books can be found at monkeymindtales.com. I have also written several journals and essays on the human condition, most of which are on this site.
RMT, Neuromuscular Massage Therapist, & Thai Massage Therapist
I became a certified massage therapist in 2003. Then I received advanced training in neuromuscular therapy in 2004, and became a student teacher in NMT for two years. In 2004, I also traveled to Thailand as a representative for my school and learned the art of Thai Massage. I received my National Certification in 2005, and continue working as a medical massage therapist in my Dallas-Oaklawn/Uptown office.
Yoga Therapy
I have practiced Yoga since 2003, and received my Yoga teaching certification in 2012. I teach individual, one-on-one beginner classes and suggest different poses to my clients if they are having specific body/structural issues. I also taught a Meditation 101 class as a continuing education professor at the University of Texas, Arlington (UTA), and continue to teach an abbreviated, one-on-one, version of that course.
Crystal, Stone, & Sound Bowl Therapy
I have spent over ten years collecting specific stones and crystals to use during my healing sessions, plus I have a complete collection of crystal sound bowls that I use at the beginning of each session.
I am an active person because I believe a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and because it’s fun. I am always experimenting with raw food, energy work, and many other things to see their effects on my mind and body. When not at work, you may find me riding my bike, doing yoga, working in my garden, sitting at Starbucks writing my books, or sitting under a tree enjoying the day.
Certifications And Licenses
Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT200)
Yoga Alliance – Since 2012
Yoga 200 Hour Teacher’s Certification Program
Namah Shivaya International School Of Yoga – 2012
Certified Reiki Master/Teacher Kay Windham Master/Teacher – Since 2002
Liscenced Professional Counselor (LPC) TexasState Liscenced – Since 2010
Masters in Counseling Arogsy University – Dallas – Received 2008
Nationally Certified Massage Therapist: National Certification Board for Theraputic Bodywork – Since 2004
Neuromuscular Therapy Instructor:
Sterling Health Center – 2004 – 2005
Certified Neuromuscular Therapist (NMT)
Sterling Health Center – Since 2003
Certified Thai Massage Therapist
Sterling Health Center – Thailand – 2004
Registered Massage Therapist (RMT)
TexasState Liscenced Since 2003
Certified Massage Therapist
Sterling Health Center – 2002
Ordained Minister
Universal Life Church
Bachelor in Fine Arts
University of California, Los Angeles – Recieved 1992